Our stud removal services, STUDBUSTERS®, and specialized tools have revolutionized the industry, saving time and money in the removal of studs, bolts, and pins. In most cases, even the largest studs are removed in seconds with no damage to the threaded portion. 90% of the torsional load is driven through the center of the stud, reducing bending moments in the stud typically experienced with conventional removal.
Using traditional removal methods, which are often extremely labor intensive, approximately half of the studs removed will incur damage to either the housing, the studs, or both. ISS can determine if the studs can be removed easily within approximately 30 seconds after applying torsion. If the studs do not rotate easily the activity is stopped to ensure no damage to the threads.
Traditional methods of bolt stud removal utilizing drilling or Metal Disintegration can be used to safely remove the fasteners.
Key Features |
Stud Removal Times |
- Removes all side-loading problems
- Equipment powered with pneumatic
energy through air guns
- Reduces stud torsion
- Does not bounce on stud
½ ” to 1″ 2 secs
1⅛” to 1½” 3 secs
1⅝” to 2″ 4 secs
2⅛” to 2¾” 7 secs
3″ to 4″ 10 secs
4″ to 5″ 12 secs