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At ISS we hire the best, so whether you're starting your career, looking to grow in your field, or simply wanting to join our great team... Know that when you start at ISS, you're joining more than just a job... You're joining a team of highly dedicated professionals.

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Please submit your resume or LinkedIn profile with your most current resume to apply. 

ISS Fleet/Asset and Procurement Manager

This role will require travel within our footprint and can be based out of Texas or Louisiana (Gulf region). 

Level 1 or 2 Machinist


Silsbee TX

Heat Treatment Technician Application

Please submit your resume or LinkedIn profile with your most current resume to apply. 

Hot Tap Technician Application

Please submit your resume or LinkedIn profile with your most current resume to apply. 

Valve Repair Technician Application

Please submit your resume or LinkedIn profile with your most current resume to apply. 

Deer Park